This is a hectic semester.
Too hectic till I don't have a proper time to post up a single update about my life. Am not only busy in studying, but also contributing to school events. It's too tired to sit in front of the monitor to write out a story. I need more time to sleep.. Why are we not getting 72 hours a day?
Today is an exception is because I need a place to de-stress myself. Yes, it's the exam period again. The time which I dreaded most as exams often make me lose confidence in everything I'm doing. Ever since a child, I was never really bad in examinations, and in fact I had very good results. But as I grow up, getting good grades seems too much like a dream as I'm pursuing a difficult course. People around me often asked "Have you ever regret in doing this course?" or "Do you think it's a bit wasteful of time to pursue this course as you have to repeat your pre-u?" And no matter how many times I reply, the answer remains the same. "No." Never regret a decision in your life no matter it's right or wrong. If it's wrong, learn from the mistake and never to repeat it again. This is my principle in leading my life. Why wanna dread on a past decision when now is the moment to determine the future? Dreading on the past is just too wasteful.
But, sometimes no matter how many times I assure myself that this is the right decision, I can't help feeling upset when I can't keep up with my expectations. Things get a little out of control when the efforts I've put in is not paid off. This makes me doubt myself - whether I'm good enough or not, whether i can perform well, and whether i can prove the world that i can really do it. I realise things are getting nowhere when my confidence level is running low, but still I can't help feeling this in me.
Writing it out in my blog post helps to regain my confidence as I'm done with my self-motivation pep talk. While writing this piece of post, I keep on recalling myself of the past - where i know when i've done great, and also reminding myself that i actually have more in myself. I have yet to show the world my best and will continue to work hard. There's no limitation on being better. It's just doing greater than being just great.