Everyone is having their own problems i guess...
From the way we played or fool around most of the times, there are hidden sadness among us...
What could we do to solve our peoblems? Or what could we do to make ourselves better?
I dont have the answer to my own... Just pray hard and hope everything will go on fine...
However, i've realised the importance of friends.. They are the people who will listen to u, support u, be with u...
I cant express how grateful am i to have these caring friends around me... All i can say i i dont wanna lose u all.. Sincerely have to thanks u all for all the caring messages, caring phone calls and of course the biggest support that u guys could give...
To dear yin, thanks for all the comforting phne calls.. ^^
To 'lapsap", thanks for the effort u put in to help me..
To "lapsap2", thanks for coming over when i called..
To "xiu fa", thanks for all the calls, all the caring words...
To "ye fa", thanks for being so supportive..
To "yu fa", thanks for being there with me always even when i dont expect to see u.. ( we so "you yuan"!!!)
Having u guys in my life are so great!! Love u all much much...