After So Long...

by - Thursday, June 07, 2012

... I am here to write again. I've waited photos from friends to update a post on my Phuket trip, but sadly I still didn't get em' till' now. So, I've decided to update on that again when i finally get hold of the photos. 

A lot had happened in the past 3 weeks. Exam results were finally out during my vacation in Phuket. Couldn't really believe my eyes when darling sent me an image of my results. I've passed my final exam finally. (oopss.. Have another paper to go >.<) I'm glad that all my beloved friends made it to graduation, though' I'm feeling a lil' disappointed at myself for not making it with them. I merely missed it with only a 2 credit hours paper. Can't hide my sour feeling when they are happily discussing about convocation, and settling their deposit fees, taking transcripts, collecting gowns. However, the good thing is I gain extra 6 months of free time, sufficient to do things that I've always have no time to attend to. And, I know these people will come for my convocation too. =)

It seems the members of Step G. have stronger bond after the Phuket trip. I find myself constantly missing them now and then, and there's a need to keep in touch with them every 2-3 days or so. How could I get used to life without them in the future? I guess I need to adapt. 

Time flies, too fast. I'm not ready to bid farewell, yet. 

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