After a long disappearance...

by - Thursday, September 18, 2008

After such a long time of not blogging, I'm really surprised seeing that Friendster's Blog have changed its setting and layout.. And I was like.. wth! What happened?!

This is how long I'm not here... A lot of dramas and events have happened, and yet I don't get the time to blog it out. Although I'm blogging now, it does not mean I'm free.. Not now at least (I'm not supposed to be here, should be studying for tests).. Yup, I have quizzes now and then, plus lab reports to hand-in. Lab Reports again!

Lots of happy times passed by but I can't list out one by one, and so decided to write about the happiest thing in the past few weeks.. It's my cousin's wedding! This long-awaiting-with-months-of-preparation is finally here and ended very quickly in just 3 days. Friday night was the pre-wedding night, where we all (relatives+friends) went to cousin Suzie's house for dinner and to finalize the preparation for Saturday's night wedding dinner. Saturday was a busy day, as sis, cousin Jane and I went for a makeover, and reached slightly late to the restaurant - 6.45pm. We should be there by 6pm as we were the committee members of this BIG wedding event. Well, it's okay.. only a handful of guests arrived. =)

Although we were quite busy for the whole night, but we had fun! Lots of it, especially taking lots of pictures.. We got very minimal sleep as we have to wake up by 5am on Sunday morning to follow those "heng dai" cars to Malacca. Were to reach cousin Suzie's house by 6am. Again we were late. *curse*

Then, after all those customs (drinking tea ceremony) and lots of photo-shooting, we the "zi mui" went to Malacca, and again reached groom's house for drinking tea ceremony+lots of photo-shooting again... "Zi mui" and "heng dai" all went for lunch - Nyonya food. Food was delicious but damn spicy.. But.. we had cendol to tame down our flaming tongue buds.. ^^ Then, we all checked into hotel and only got 30 mins sleep, before preparing for the wedding dinner that night. Other "zi mui" and "heng dai" stayed there overnight but I went back to KL on that night itself because I'm going to have quiz. Yes... I have a quiz awaiting me, but I didn't even touch the notes yet. Damn...

After few weeks of insufficient sleep, here I am still typing my night away.. So gonna burn midnight oil tonight.

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