
by - Sunday, November 20, 2011

Yups... I am surrounded by November babies! (all in a family actually) Year end is always happening to me cause there are a lot of celebrations going on, and when November ends, it's time for Christmas, my favourite festive season. When there are celebrations, it means pressie-buying time, and that also means I gotta starve for the next few months... But, when I see their happy faces upon pressie-opening time, I feel it's all worth it =) 

Celebrations of the year:

Sister's birthday on 08/11/11, Mum's birthday on 10/11/11 (Home & Victoria Station)
p/s: Mum didn't wanna get into the picture >.<

Brother's special birthday celebration on 11/11/11 (Double tree Hilton)

My look of the night at Double Tree Hilton

3 mischievous siblings =)

Beloved daddy and i =)

My room mate for 20 years :p

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