It Is Time,

by - Tuesday, March 08, 2016

to leave
to grow up on my own
to learn about being independent.

That was my thoughts one and a half year ago. 

I do not know anything about moving out, because this is my first time. But,  it proved that this is the perfect distance to move out. Enough to gain independence and freedom, and sufficient to run back home crying if I miss home too much. It is only a 2 and a half hours drive (oops, sometimes I only need an hour and a half)

While I was here, the only thing I think about is leaving. And finally, when I've decided to hand in my transfer letter requesting to be back home - there's a tiny twinge of hesitation. It's time to do so because I've always believed that when I am in a comfort zone, then I should move out and challenge new things again.

No more counting down,
Cause I'm still here at Temerloh - the small town where I've met some kind people, made some really good friends and the place I've grown to be comfortable with.

Till' then I will wait for my next destination while serving as much as I can here. 

p/s: After such long time, the first post in this 366 days. 

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