
by - Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is again a backdated post. I've told myself to post my entry more frequent, but I failed to do so. A typical procrastinator I am...

After a lot of arrangements and changes, we at last came to a common time where we all could come out - Sat, 11/10. But too bad, yin again couldn't make it. Earlier, I've heard from Caryn that Wen Bin might not be in a good mood due to some reasons only known to ourselves; and indeed when I saw her, she doesn't look good. After a long story from her, I am so afraid that she'll break down in tears... To be honest, after all the years I've known her - this is my first time seeing her like this. And I've always thought she's tough... Caryn and I consoled her, took her for a nice lunch, gave her a belated birthday present, watched movie together... lastly went for a nice dessert + shopping. After all these, her mood turns better... ^^

Her all-time favourite Cherry Blossom fragrance from Loccitane as belated birthday present...

A nice lunch is enough to fill up our stomachs...

A movie which is nice enough to keep us from yawning and the toilet of course..

A dessert is always a girl's loyal companion...

Awaiting for our next meet-up... although we are all broke I know..

The time now, 2302...

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