
Movie Date #2

by - Sunday, April 08, 2012

A week free from clerkship, hence able to go for moviessss =)

Tuesday (3/4)
Movie date with the sisters. Girls love everything sweet and romantic, so we decided on the movie "Love". Like the title, it's all about relationships and love. We laughed and shed tears. Not a must watch movie, but it made my day with some of the cheesy lines. 

Afternoon tea for 2 before movie

Wednesday (4/4)
Another movie which I've been looking forward to ever since I saw its trailer - "The Vow".  However, it was not as impressive as I thought it would be. But, the story line is a beautiful one. Love story me like. =) It's been a while since our last movie date. And, up till now... We have yet to try the beanie seats yet! :/ Finally, we used up all our book vouchers during the 2 hours of books shopping. I've always enjoy spending time in a book store, quietly looking for books I like, reading in silence. 

My buyings =)

Our 5th movie together

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