Hard work is paid off finally...
I was worrying about my interview and test results for 3 weeks...
I've been wondering why my offer letter was not sent to me after so long...
I've been ponder and ponder what if I'm not accepted into the course, what could I do...
But NOW, it's confirmed that I've been accepted into the school of pharmacy! A course I've always wanted to do... However, besides the joy and excitement of being accepted, I can't help wondering if I could well in the course or not. I've heard seniors saying how hard it is... I've heard friends telling me how tough...
But I told myself, there's no way to turn back now because I've chose this road myself and I'm going to finish the journey.... No matter how bumpy or rough the road is, no matter how much I feel like giving up hope, I'm gonna walk down the road, and by the end of the journey.. I'll smile contently...