Longing for my beauty sleep...

by - Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I haven't been having enough sleep for this few nights.. That's because I'm too busy doing unnecessary stuff.. >< I've always thought that sleeping early is a waste of time although I know that an early sleep is good for me.. Well, that's not my purpose of blogging this post...
Recently, I've really realized the meaning of "to have, but not to hold"... I've heard and came across this line many times before this, but never truly understand it's real meaning... I know now that the time has come...
The time has come to tell me that I'm letting go, and not holding on stubbornly like before.. Sometimes things do look more beautiful after I've learned to look at the other side of them.. I've always been a hesitant person.. I could not decide what's the best for me at times.. Sometimes I just let myself sink into depression and ended up being down the whole day...
But this time, I've clearly told myself that I must let go.. because I know I don't care about it anymore.. As time goes by, it is just not important anymore.. I won't hold on to it although I'm having it..
I'm sure I will sleep peacefully tonight.. And also on all the other upcoming nights...
With the moon and bright stars shining up in the sky.. Life has never been so relieved...

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