Show Luo's World Live Tour 11'

by - Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It was a beautiful surprise that I got free ticket to his concert. There was once I was into him - his songs, his dance moves, his dramas, his tv shows. Then, slowly the interest dies off... Well, I'm not those die hard fans. But, to be able to go to his concert was not a bad thing though. Without expectation, of course the concert turned out good, at least I think so.

After his concert, he reminded me again why was I so into him last time. One of the reasons, is he is a very motivating role model. No matter how disastrous situations he faced last time, he fought all of it with courage and always have an optimistic mind - it's like always telling himself "Tomorrow is always waiting, so do not give up..."

I think I like his character and attitude for life above everything else.

力量 - this song reminded me how to be strong....

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