I ain't sleeping tonight

by - Monday, April 25, 2011

I have a sudden feeling to blog right now -immediately, when I am supposed to be reading my notes, trying to absorb every single words I see. But, my brain can't seems to be functioning quite well especially at this late hour but giving up is not an option. I'll just have to hang in there, and finish up whatever's unfinished.

Exactly 7 hours to go and it marks the first day of my 3rd year finals. Worried? No? I don't know... All I know is I wanna be done with study life and start working soon... I've always know that working life is not easy, so much so I heard from people around me. Everyone tells me to enjoy study life while I can, but I just can't wait to experience a different stage in my life.

This song fits my mood now - No one's gonna sleep tonight

Yea.. I am not sleeping tonight >.<

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