Life after examsss...
This update was supposed to be before that Redang post. This is how I lived my life immediately after exams. It's all about shopping and hanging out with friends. Ever since the last paper ended on 20th May, I've never really stayed at home for the next 2 weeks. you'll either caught me dead at MidValley shopping till I drop, or might be hanging out with my friends yum cha-ing...
Our target is to finish one puzzle after every semester. Very ambitous indeed.
Me and my "family".
The term "family" comes by when someone called me on my cell, asking "are u having family with ur family?" I thought for a second before answering "yalor..." Okay, I lied, but I had my reasons. But, am still happy having them as my "family". =)
3 cheeky ones! :p
Happy Holidays, my dear friends!! See ya guys the next semester. =) *hugs*