When I'm left with no choice...
Everyone have their rights to choose what they want in life. There are plenty of crossroads where we make a decision, and later assuring ourselves that it is the best for us. Decisions we've made yesterday make what we are today. And that is how important to never let ourselves choosing the wrong road. A right road ahead leads us to a bright future, however a wrong one can make our lives turn upside down. We might need to make a lot of choices during our journey to our destination. But by the end of the day, when it all turns out fine, we will know that while standing at the crossroads pondering which road to take is only the process of reaching our goals.
And so, I've always told myself to choose a road which suits myself and never be regret after that. Regretting is just a another way of telling myself I was wrong. But this time around, I'm really feeling very miserable. It's not that I don't know which road to choose, because ahead of me, there's only one road. The one and only one. I'm not even put into the position of choosing. I can only follow this road without complaints or stop in the middle of the way and end up losing everything. I hope this only road will be the right one for me.
I'm left with no choice at all... but only one...